Monday, June 17, 2019


We have been busy, busy, busy! So far, we have done four big hikes, learned some basic geography, stratigraphy and pieced together the timeline of the events that took place on the island. We took a boat ride to Nea Kameni which is the currently active volcano. I jumped in a hot spring and smelled like sulfur until we got home.

We also found olive leaves that had been preserved in the soil layer between two of the caldera forming events (in geology they call it paleosol). We also found pieces of Minoan pottery, which has been one of the coolest things I’ve had the opportunity to do.

One of the days we had off, a group of us went into Oia. We found a bookstore that I’m pretty sure I would have been entirely content on living in for the rest of my life, and a pool overlooking the ocean.

And then we had our first group dinner where we get all dressed up. We went to a winery that had a set 3 course meal for us, and it was so good!

And you can’t forget the beautiful sunsets!